Kali ini admin akan memberikan info seputar Lowongan Kerja Terbaru untuk anda semua agar dapat meraih cita-cita anda bekerja di profesi yang di idamkan pada Info Lowongan Kerja Palangkaraya Terbaru Januari 2014.
perusahaan PMA yang bergerak dibidang Perkebunan kelapa sawit, mencari
beberapa posisi untuk ditempatkan di Kota Pangkalan Bun – Kalimantan
Tengah dan bersedia tinggal di area perkebunan kelapa sawit (perumahan)
Lowongan Kerja : Asisten Hrd Manager
- Pendidikan S1 Sarjana Hukum dari Universitas ternama di Indonesia
- Laki-Laki
- Pengalaman Kerja minimal 3 tahun sebagai Asisten Hrd Manager di perusahaan perkebunan kelapa sawit
- Bersedia ditempatkan di Pangkalan Bun, Kalimantan Tengah dan bersedia tinggal di area perkebunan kelapa sawit (perumahan)
Bagi yang berminat silahkan kirimkan CV
lengkap beserta pasphoto terbaru dan kirimkan ke alamat email kami
dengan mencantumkan kode yang dilamar di bagian subject email ke:
dewi.suyatman@yahoo.co.id atau unitedplantation@yahoo.com
PT Rimba Raya Conservation
PT. Rimba Raya Conservation (PT. RRC) is
an Indonesian professional business with its core business to promote
the co benefit to the climate change mitigation, biodiversity and
community welfare from the newly growing environmental service
business. PT RRC is looking for a Professional Indonesian individual
that will serve as part of the senior management and base in Pangkalan
Bun, Central Kalimantan as
REED activity management
- Develop program and the milestone of achievement as agreed by BOD
- Develop plan of activities to be conducted by Rimba Raya and its subsidiary to achieve the targeted outcome
- Manage the and supervise the activities carried by Rimba Raya and its subsidiary
- Develop report as required by the company and according to its obligation (donor or government)
- Develop regular report on the overall activity of Rimba Raya base on inputs from various partners
- Ensure the BOD to be kept updated and properly consulted on activity or condition for quality insurance and risk management
Pangkalan Bun Operation management
- Assess and reported on need for operation of Rimba Raya
- Manage the operation aspect of the Rimba Raya and may delegate the task as necessary base on approval from the BOD
- Ensure good administration is performed in Rimba Raya activity
- Ensure the good governance and accountability aspect of financial
regulation to be made in Rimba Raya activity, also the principle of
value for money to be uphold
- Identify the staffing need of Rimba Raya and manage the recruitment process as agreed by the company
- In collaboration with HR Department of Rimba Raya, manage the need of the Rimba Raya staff base on the company’s standard
- Ensure the security and risk management of Rimba Raya activities on the area
Liaison function for Central Kalimantan
- Develop and maintain good engagement with the stakeholder of the project
- Be representative and local point of the company in the Central Kalimantan
- Facilitate wider need and agenda of the company in the Central Kalimantan
- Master degree on environment management, forestry, or business
development, or bachelor degree with at least 5 years of experience in
management level position
- Experience in development work or NGO for 5 years is a must
- Experience in REDD activities for at least 3 years
- Have experience in Central Kalimantan for at least 5 years
- Adaptable to new circumstance, Strong management and analytical skill
- Experience in working with various government level, local community and local NGO or CBO
- Fluency in Bahasa and English
Level Karir |
Senior |
Tahun Pengalaman |
5 Tahun |
Kualifikasi |
Sarjana |
Industri |
Perdagangan Umum dan Distribusi |
Fungsi Pekerjaan |
Lainnya > Pertanian / Kehutanan / Perikanan
Pelayanan Profesional > Konsultasi Bisnis
Ilmu Pengetahuan, Lab, R&D > Ilmu Lingkungan / Pengelolaan Limbah |
Lokasi |
Kalimantan Tengah |
Tipe Pekerjaan |
Purna Waktu |
Please send your complete CV and requested salary at the latest on the to:
For those applicants who pass the qualification, interview will be conducted on the 7th January in Jakarta.
Sekian update informasi bursa loker kali ini seputar Lowongan Kerja Palangkaraya di Perkebunan Sawit Terbaru 2014. Semoga bermanfaat buat sobat semua. Salam.
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